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This event is in Czech only!
This event is in Czech only!
This show is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only.
This performace is in Czech only.
This performance is in Czech only!
This event is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only.
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only.
This performace is in Czech only.
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only.
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performace is in Czech only.
Scamming is art. They have been with us since the beginning of mankind. They are all around us. And they are more and more of them. There´s no place you…
Scamming is art. They have been with us since the beginning of mankind. They are all around us. And they are more and more of them. There´s no place you…
This performance is in Czech only.
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
Video NoD
Olga Krykun: 720/027
An undemanding visual game at information pollution times.
Curator: Veronika Zajačiková
The project grasps everyday life in which one increasingly doubts about information and perceptions. We have become accustomed to doubting this feeling could extend to the common perception of reality.
The project 720/027 is based on exhibition project for Berlínskej Model Gallery - Freesome and video Room #1.
Olga Krykun works with various media such as video, object and installation.
In project 720/027, she develops environment, what is a typical theme for her work. She created a 360 degree room that includes whole house, without dividing rooms by walls. Everywhere in the house, there are small animations and strange transformations of things that pervert and questioned the reality. A visitor can focus on individual animations as the room perceives as a whole. Aesthetics of video projection, is accentuating the chill-out mood of the Video NoD gallery room. Krykun works with significant elements - as wallpaper or a more expensive business look and a leopard motive is. Through the leopard and the African motives, project associated the kitsch luxury, it hits the contrast of the Western way of living and life in Countries of the Third World. And it is this thorny theme that is omnipresent today. But the author does not want to be political. She tries to capture the sense of overwhelm, which is also caused by information pollution and to fill it with current themes. Part of the virtual apartment are, besides playful elements, realistic photographs in frames and other objects typical of Western culture.
Olga Krykun (*1994, Odessa, UA) / since 2009 - lives and works in Prague
2016 / Supermédia Studio, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (CZ)
2016 / Exchange - Department of Photography and Audiovisual Arts, T.E.I. Athens (GRC)
2014-2016 / Intermédia Studio, Ladislav Sutnar’s Faculty of Design and Art, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen (CZ)
2017 Fx00136302, performance, Holešovická tržnice, hala č.17., with Max Lysáček
2017 I’ve painted the gate red, now I think red was the wrong colour at the corpus (with Adrian Altman, Jakub Hájek), Prague (CZ)
2017 Freesome, Berlinskej Model, Prague (CZ)
2016 Supermédia, Museum of Photography and Modern Visual Média, Jindřichův Hradec (CZ)
2016 Nevím, jak tohle dopadne, Galerie Samo83, Česká Bříza (CZ)
2015 Don’t. Just… don’t, Papírna, Pilsen (CZ)