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This event is in Czech only!
This event is in Czech only!
This show is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only.
This performace is in Czech only.
This performance is in Czech only!
This event is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only.
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only.
This performace is in Czech only.
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only.
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performace is in Czech only.
Scamming is art. They have been with us since the beginning of mankind. They are all around us. And they are more and more of them. There´s no place you…
Scamming is art. They have been with us since the beginning of mankind. They are all around us. And they are more and more of them. There´s no place you…
This performance is in Czech only.
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
TRIKADELIA / Three Sides of the Same Coin
Jakub Geltner, Jan Gemrot, Jaroslava Kadlecová, David Možný, Jan Šrámek a Veronika Vlková
January 12 - February 10, 2017
Curator: Veronika Zajačiková
Architect: Miloš Marek
For centuries civilization has built up artificially created world. The world that lives its own life and gravity parallel with the natural cycles. How is it about human society called the ‘culture’ and what about individual perception of the world? There are many ways to catch the reality on art piece. Artist can describe the reality, caricature and parody it or use otherwise modulation. They are also trying to blend in with it.
Artist are looking for the new dimensions, hidden places and principles, systems and rules. How many undiscovered lies beneath the surface commonly perceived reality, despite decades of exploration of human consciousness?
Collective exhibition deals with the positions of perceiving the world, accentuate the visually perceived reality. That all under the influence of mental processes inside the human mind - that are: commonly understood reality, existence (divorced from reality, sometimes called satori) or separation from reality (infatuation or dreaming).
Video The Bookshelf: A Study by Jakub Geltner is a digital reconstruction of a standardized wooden shelf in animated form. With formalist vocabulary as his starting point, Geltner attempts an in-depth examination of a given object across two instances – the actual object and its virtual rendering, contrasting the unassuming bareness of the former with the rich cinematic reconstruction of the latter. Based on a close inspection of actual physical properties, the video imparts a seductive representation of the real, designating technology as an active agent in achieving transcendence. Velký plán/The Grand Plan (Folding of A0 drawing, Class A, figure I.) graphic series inspired by technical (engineering) drawings. It corresponding to the standard paper formats used in design offices according to standards such as ISO .: 216 or CSN. The drawings are, however, entirely without engineering content. Content is becoming a graphical representation of models warehouses as textbooks technical drawing.
For this exhibition Jan Gemrot loaned trio of canvases Metamorphism, which was previously presented only abroad (Alina Gallery, Leipzig, 2016). ,,ThFor me the process of painting is aligning with the reality. By the painting I am recognizing or clarify reality.’' In the cycle Metamorphism author develops and deals with the themes such as landscape and figure. He is looking for a blend of a man and nature, technically advanced civilization and nature.
Jaroslava Kadlecová for the exhibition Trikadelia created variants of painting Moon, (now in private collection in Monaco). The source of inspiration became from Platonic solid, that deals with geometry and reality. The Platonic solids have been known since antiquity are prominent in the philosophy of Plato. The cube, octahedron, tetrahedron and icosahedron was considered to representative of four classical elements: earth, air, fire and water. Dodecahedron was the representative or the being of all what exists.
Video installation Sleepless by David Možný is visually based on the familiar common 70's interiors where dark ambience oscillate between banality and cataclysm, violence and boredom, living and interrogation room. An elusive state of mind - a feeling of wakefulness, which comes into the moment, when you stay up late. Samuel Beckett's mood feeling space anywhere, enhanced audio composition by sound maker Aleff.
Vizual artists Jan Šrámek and Veronika Vlková for NoD Gallery create a chamber version of the project Ztrácení (Lost). Three-channel video installation is accompanied by graphics and three-dimensional objects. Illustration is Šrámek-Vlkova topic. In project Ztrácení authors extend beyond the virtual world. Through videos and moving objects by drawing enters the real world and the interaction - a game which invites the viewer to enter the world of dreams and imagination in the Japanese style.