This performance is in Czech only!
This event is in Czech only!
This event is in Czech only!
This show is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only.
This performace is in Czech only.
This performance is in Czech only!
This event is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only.
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only.
This performace is in Czech only.
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only.
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performace is in Czech only.
Scamming is art. They have been with us since the beginning of mankind. They are all around us. And they are more and more of them. There´s no place you…
Scamming is art. They have been with us since the beginning of mankind. They are all around us. And they are more and more of them. There´s no place you…
This performance is in Czech only.
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
This performance is in Czech only!
Ladislav Tejml: Everything’s Gonna Be Alright 3
Video NoD, 360° projection, 3D animace
February 16 - March 17, 2017
Curator: Veronika Zajačiková
Either the world is heading into dark tomorrows, or perhaps we may only be indulging in an exciting catastrophic fiction. We may either manage to extricate ourselves from the grip of that virtual anaconda, or it may prove to be enough if we just loosen our belts? Are these sleeve covers real, or a somewhat more powerful influx of metainformation? Is this text written by a human, or have I bought new shoes?
The project Everything´s Gonna Be Alright 3 is based on works Click by Click (web application, 2015) and Everything´s Gonna Be Alright 1 and 2 (2015, 2016). Tejml works with 3D animation, internet application (web design) and video games environment with its rules. Author creates 3D virtual world, which is typical for computer video games and it evolves at 360° panoramic video projection.
The project Everything´s Gonna Be Alright 3 is a loose sequel to my previous works reflecting on contemporary society. The accelerated modern society can be likened to a marsh: the faster it revves up its wheels, the faster it immerses and dissolves in time´s fluidity. The growing speed results in roadside traffic signs becoming illegible. Thus if we pass by the signs in a fully loaded lorry, with the gas pedal on full throttle, we can hardly tell which way will lead us towards the bog, and nor can we be expected to be able to bring the lorry to a standstill before reaching the bog´s edge. Even as it is, the lorry is already running behind schedule, as a material click can be managed in a matter of seconds. One always needs to find a way of orienting oneself, the gelatinous brain matter keeps thinning down, and the GPS is showing us the correct route which, however, can easily be manipulated or controlled. If we don´t find enough time to stop at a sign, to inquisitively assess the correctness of our direction, and will instead rely on algorithms, which we have found helpful after all, the outcome will bring about ideal conditions for applications of populism. In its turn, populism results in a division of society into ones and zeros. Indeed, in a time brimming with worries this simple variant, digestible for everyone, in the form of the binary option of yes/no, is plausible enough. And yet, in the space between these two isolated bubbles can be found a whole scale of further options. Fuzzy logic happens to be a productive example of this, offering a system that does without elements defined in terms of ones and zeros, but rather counts with the existence of some sort of intermediate points which merely approximate the limits. Maybe the world has gone mad for good, but that in itself doesn´t prevent us from being able to find reasonable ways of moving from one place to another. And yet, a sense of orientation is not everything we might wish. All the less so in fact if the rudder wheel is in the grip of a pirate with a combover who has no problem whatsoever with unpredictable, fast and sudden shifts in weather. At a time when we feel overwhelmed by everything that´s unacceptable, unimaginable and unavoidable, deep down there still remains an underlying hope that once everything´s going to be alright. Perhaps without this hope we wouldn´t be able to go on living.
Ladislav Tejml
*2012 - now Atelier Multimedia (Slavo Krekovič), Faculty of Fine Arts, VUT University, Brno
Exhibition (selection):
Láva, National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
Generation smart, National Library of Technology, Praha, Czech Republic
Meet Czech Design, H. Týrlová Atelier, Zlín, Czech Republic
Maska - Videomapping festival, Baťas institut 14/15, Zlín, Czech Republic
Specialization: 3D animation (PC games), interactive audiovisual installation, sound, web applications